Kristi Secord | Aug 31, 2022
Talk Around the Bublr - Greater Milwaukee's Nonprofit Bikeshare Monthly Newsletter: August 2022
New staff, new website, new stations! Meet Aaron Arteaga - Bublr's Community Engagement Manager. Wisconsin Department of Transportation is currently accepting comments for its evaluation of alternatives to reconstructing the I-794 freeway corridor in downtown Milwaukee. Be heard - Submit Comments! New Stations - New Website! Bosch eBike Systems is proud to partner with Bublr Bike to electrify bike share.
Join us in welcoming Aaron Arteaga to the Bublr Team!
Aaron Arteaga is Bublr's Community Engagement Manager and joined the Bublr Team in June. Aaron is a brown Latinx male who uses he/his pronouns. Guides by a strong vision of human rights Aaron has always been involved in efforts aimed at influencing public attitudes, policies, and laws to create a more socially just society. Aaron worked with mental health professionals in schools to promote mental health literacy among students, educators, and parents. He has a strong commitment to conservation and the environment and a deep interest in understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change on his family and community.
Let your voice be heard!
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is currently accepting comments for its evaluation of alternatives to reconstructing the I-794 freeway corridor in downtown Milwaukee. You can submit your comments
New Stations - New Website!
New Bublr stations keep popping up (and being reinstalled). The Cathedral Square station is back in and operational! Bublr also has new stations at 14th & National, 22nd & Wells, 37th & Pierce, 8th & Greenfield, Clarke Square, E. Juneau Post Office, East Library, King Park, Lafayette & Prospect, Mason & Prospect, Merrill Park, Reservoir Park, Tiefenthaler Park, and Wick Field. The next station scheduled for installation is MLK & Clarke with 11 more stations coming online in the coming months! You can always see a current station map on the Bublr website which was also just given an update, so if you haven't checked it out lately head on over to
bublrbikes.orgPartner Spotlight!

Bosch eBike Systems is proud to partner with Bublr Bike to electrify bike share.
Electric bicycles have the power to shorten commutes, flatten hills, and make city cycling easier and more enjoyable. Bike share systems throughout the country, including Bublr Bikes, bring the convenience of cycling to everyone with affordable rides found at convenient checkpoints. With Bublr Bikes, anyone can try a Bosch-equipped eBike!
For over a decade, Bosch has been offering innovative, pedal-assist eBike systems of outstanding performance and quality for the most reputable bike brands in the world—including Trek, Electra and BCycle. Bosch’s seamlessly smooth, fully-integrated system is engineered on the bedrock of their 130+ year dedication to developing products that reliably improve quality of life. Their award-winning motors, highly efficient, rechargeable batteries, modern displays and computers as well as their connected apps ensure a personalized experience no matter the type of eBike. Take a ride today at Wheel & Sprocket or you nearest Bublr Bike station.